Saturday, 15 December 2012

New Media is Not Replacing the Old media

Today with the new technology and new media where people are connected, the old method of disseminating information is still in favour. Using word-of-mouth is still in practice compared to Twitter and Facebook to exchange opinions and thoughts on upcoming movies. This is according to a study on social media buzz by Ipsos MediaCT’s Motion Picture Group in Los Angeles.

The truth is, youth today who grew up with iPad and iPhone in their mitts are not the people who rave about movies through the internet. It turns out that those over 25 years old are the one who utilizing it to vent on movies. According to Vincent Bruzzese, the president of Ipsos’ worldwide motion picture group statement at The Grill conference at London West Hollywood, “we are living in a digital world, but it’s not as digital as we think”.

He mentioned that the quality of the movies has not changed much. Bad movies will drop but good movies also don’t stay longer because of the lack in word-of-mouth to buzz out the movies. The new media such as blog and Facebook is short with information post or share by the users. Instead they are more likely to wait for the news and comment on it. They are not active users where they would link or forward the content to and with others.

"Most people don't post if they don't feel strongly," Bruzzese told the audience at TheGrill.

Vincent Bruzzese claimed that there are categories of buzz. The first when people want to know about upcoming movies early called “discovery”. The second is when all the talk leak and influences people called the “commentary”. Lastly, the category is called “planning” that involves people who buy tickets if other people they know do the same.
Commonly, the social media users would post on good review about a movie but they are not the one who will influence people to buy the ticket. People usually will only catch the movie at the cinema when someone recommended it or if they had someone to go with.
Surprisingly, those who driving the conversation are often the moviegoers who see more than six movies a year are the people who buzz out. 

They tend to watch trailers. Study found that people are more likely to watch movie at cinema or television than through internet, smartphone, tablet or other technologies.

By SyazAmalina

The Star Online

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