Saturday, 29 September 2012

I Now Pronounce You, New Media and Youth

Yes it’s true, the youth and new media are happily married. Why so? Well, it’s clearly obvious how the youth are highly obsessed with new media and technology. They spend most of their time on the internet. Yes, without a doubt there are many benefits to the usage of new media as it has more convenience and is constantly ready at the tip of your fingers, but think of the consequences? It affects so many things including health, lifestyle, relationships, studies and most importantly, your ACTUAL life that goes on outside of the internet.
However, it’s somehow amusing how teenagers don’t share every single thing on the internet even though they’re on it 24 hours a day. Most chronically ill teenage patients do not disclose their personal health information on social media websites such as Facebook, research shows (MedwireNews Reporters, 2012). So this bothers most people because teenagers prefer not to share their problems with people around them and we would expect them to let it all out on the internet specifically the social media. On top of that, since youths are so preoccupied with the internet, why not spill your beans there? By spilling the beans I don’t mean anything that is controversial and confidential.
Besides that, It is acceptable if they waste their precious time on the internet with something beneficial and educational but unfortunately no. They rather spend endless hours playing online games, chatting, as youths like to call it, ‘facebooking’ and of course, tweet! Who knows if they even know what the real, bona fide world looks like. There are mountains of negative effects of the frequent use of the new media, you don’t even want to go there.
In a nutshell, the infatuation youths have for the new media can be misleading. Obviously, the internet has positive effects as well but the youths uses the new media for the wrong purposes which results in bad fallout. This issue has been going on for a long time and will continue on becoming an issue until the youths or people around them find a way to stop their incorrect usage of the new media.
Atthiya Khadeja Anurddin 


Serena Gordon, 2011. Social Media Has Good and Bad Effects on Kids: Experts. Retrieved on 27th September from

MedwireNews Reporters, 2012. Social media sites let chronically ill teens be teens. Retrieved on 27th Spetember 2012 from



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