Written by Adilah Shaukei.
New media is known as digital devices that contain the interactive
response and anything that have related with the media content. Internet is one
of the popular new media until now. We can see the impacts of new media really
give large responses from the society. And from this let we see what is the
beneficial impact of new media towards the society.
The new media such as Internet has affect on the way we think and
the way we interact with each other;furthermore it may combine with the use of other
digital devices, for example social network and portable media devices. All
this digital device has make our life easy in order to carrying our work.
According to Kerby Anderson (2001), the writer of New Media and
Society stated that the use of Internet is actually makes people think
differently. As we know that the older and younger generations really have
different mind on the way there are thinking. With the opinion, ideas and
thought that are been given from two groups somehow give the impact on the use
of Internet. It allows people to actually shared and threw out all the ideas
that they got to the world.
According to Serajul l. Bhulyan (2006), the new media contains many
sources of truth that people can actually answer their questions or any that
bother them. These show that the use of new media can actually help people in
doing or searching all topics with their own understanding. They also download
information in a second without spending hours to searching the important
Something that easyhave it challenges. We might get it easy on what
we want through the use of the new media especially nowadays. For example,
Internet isfull of information, we must be aware before we read it and take it
to be as our source of truth. Plenty research is needed to what is actually
happening and go in depth to confirm it as it true unless we rather to be
Kerby Anderson (2001). New Media and Society. Retrieved on 26th September fromhttp://www.probe.org/site/c.fdKEIMNsEoG/b.6034147/k.5356/New_Media_and_Society.htm
Serajul l. Bhulyan (2006). Impact of new media technology and society. Retrieved on 26th September fromhttp://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=52164
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