“Man, I’ve got some cool dope in my bunk and making me high right now” were the words you purposely typed to act cool on the ‘what’s on your mind?’ space for Facebook status updates. This was moments ago before you were rushed by a team of police ransacking your house off for the ‘dope’ you have mentioned in your Facebook .Be it by inadvertently, your words on the social media can be used in court against you. The New York Police Department is deploying a surge of detectives to patrol an increasingly mean new beat; Facebook and other social networks.
Under Operation Crew Cut,
the Department intends to double the size of its Gang Division from
approximately 150 detectives to 300 phased in over a period of time. In
addition to tracking the admissions of criminal conduct and plans of future
crimes by crew members on Facebook, You Tube and elsewhere, the division will
be responsible for maintaining a dictionary of sorts with a continually updated
lexicon employed by crews as a kind of code".
According to Kelly, who
runs one of the world's most technologically advanced police departments, with
a rapidly growing surveillance capability, new guidelines for officers
using social media as part of criminal investigations has been issued. This is
to instil the proper balance between the investigative potential of social
network sites and privacy expectations,
Therefore, next time folks,
you better think hard before you spill the beans on Facebook, Twitter or any
other means of social media because they might haunt you in the court. It is
always good to reserve certain things to yourselves and not sharing it with the
whole world- wide- web!
Source: http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/Science%2Band%2BTech/Story/A1Story20121003-375154.html
Nur Faizah J. Jayakumar.
Every words, images or activities that we are posting, uploading, downloading and tweeting in the cyber world are watched by the law enforcement that specialized in cyber technologies. People that does not have knowledge about this matter, might not realize that they are being watched either by hackers or cyber enforcements of their privacy. This become worrisome for all of us users that going to use internet for daily use in work, entertainment or even social network as we feel unsafe. But at certain degree, we just seem do not care as the availability and the freedom of cyber world slowly expand that satisfy the user needs.
ReplyDeleteTrue that, Ash! we must not upload or post anything that will jeopardize yourself such as negative remarks about people, gossips and rumours as it will low down your credibility. Anyway, shazlan, why haven't you post my latest article with the right citation? I have given you last week..and also my correct name yeah!