Sunday, 21 October 2012


The phase “I don’t know, just Google it” is part of our vocabulary today. The technological advancement has made information can be search at our finger tips. Google is such an influential search engine that display highly accurate result that helpful to all. We can Google about anything that we could ever think of from images to translating a language. The history of Google started when Larry and Sergey, now Stanford computer science grad students begin collaborating on a search engine called BackRub. BackRub operates on Stanford servers for more than a year and eventually taking up too much bandwidth to suit the university. Larry and Sergey decide that the BackRub search engine needs a new name. After some brainstorming, they go with Google, a play on the word “googol,” a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. The use of the term reflects their mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web (Google, 2012).

Google has provide its consumer a new way of communications flow as it enables people to access information just by one click and from anywhere in the world.  Google can be perceived as general search engine displaying an almost blank starting page without advertisements and using an innovative indexing system to deliver highly accurate search results thus has brought many benefits to consumers. Google have definitely has benefits the user in so many ways.  It has made it possible for users to learn, play, advertise, share and many more. The community has become depended on Google as the source to go to in searching for anything. Google can be called as the digital library in this modern era. The impact of Google in the new media keeps increasing day by day in so many ways. Some of them are benefits and some of them are negative effects. In conclusion, what? Don’t know? “Just Google It”J.

Source : The Power of Google: First Mover Advantage or Abuse of a Dominant Position? By Sophie van Loon


  1. In daily life, we can use Google as our references as daily basis. The search engine itself is mutual beneficial to community but the misused by the community can cause others and even the users been mislead and misinformed. Even the authorities are having difficulties when there are 'leaks' that bend the laws and ethical. Google need to have strong collaborate with authorities of cyber space in order to maintain order.

  2. loopholes are everywhere T__T

  3. correct me if im wrong, is it.. "google it" or "googled it"??

  4. yes Ashreff its community has definitely has been misusing it especially the young generations however it is basically up to the individual.
    Syaza : yup2..:)
    Shazalan: It is google it because it is synonym with google. :)

  5. theres this Bilboard advertisement by digi showing a kid pegang ipad with google search picture on it. it wrote "Pelajarilah...."
    they even cultivate learning through google for kids.
